Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The objectives - summarized!

Good day all!

Thank you for stopping by.

We would like to introduce the objective of this blog and future posts to be solely focused in analyzing the world economy from a holistic perspective. This would most definitely cover the broad spectra of International macro economics, Micro economics (less emphasis) and International Finance with a focused approach on the currency market. There would, at times, be a focus on International trade at places to give the objective of this blog a well rounded growth path.

We would like to capitalize on the resounding success of Eco_Fin (formed/branded way back in 2003) - http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/Eco_Fin

and use that brand name awareness to bring attention to the world macro economic situation as it turns towards the Information age.

The concept of world economics needs no introduction and we would be covering various aspects from the perspective of the two fast growing economies of the world i.e. China and India and the effect that would have on the world economy as a whole. We would then try to establish a common trend among the various global economies of the world and put together my individualistic analysis - unlike theory, I would try my best to supplement all my analytical analysis with detailed numbers and a logical derivation as far as possible.

I would definitely touch upon my sweet spot - the North American economy and the European economy as also analyze major Financial implications of these two economies.

I believe I am qualifed to comment on this as I possess a valid Masters degree in International business from the prestigious Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi with a special emphasis on International Economics.

Watch this space for more as they unfold.

Quick question: How many believe the world economy is currently red hot (possibly overheated) and will show signs of a slowdown in 2007 as predicted by some doomsday analyzers. How much of it is quantitatively true? Can you prove your doomsday prediction by numbers?


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